but I do not want to bore you with how adorable I was when I was little. I do, however, want to tell you that not that long ago I was where you are now. Our circumstances might have been different and may be our symptoms were not identical, but I know that deep inside we felt the same – lost with a cry for help.

My main

My story begins more than four decades ago,

Meet Your Coach, Sveta

I was a successful lawyer, practicing corporate securities law in one of the best law firms in Toronto, an amazing husband, two beautiful kids and, of course, a dog. Yet, my body and soul were slowly breaking down. Digestive issues, heart palpitations, hormonal imbalances, back problems, brain fog, vertigo, exhaustion, sleep issues, focus and memory problems were some of the physical symptoms I was experiencing. More importantly, I was feeling profound sadness, which I was ashamed of, because "on paper" I should not have had a reason to be unhappy. If you are guessing that all my allopathic medicine tests results were normal, you are right. My conventional medicine doctor simply said that I was stressed. Sounds familiar, right?

I spent hours "Googling" my symptoms trying to find some answers. I was mentally and emotionally drained (imagine practicing law in such a state and mothering two toddlers), but the answers that I truly needed were not listed in the "Google" search results.

It was only after I met and started working with a life coach and came across Functional Medicine, finding the right practitioner and uncovering and working on the root causes of my physical symptoms and emotional discontent that I finally started to heal. It was also around that time that I understood what my true purpose was in life (other than being a great mother and wife). That led me to become a Functional Medicine Health Coach, to help women like you in addressing the root causes of your health concerns, so you can finally experience how good your body can feel and how happy your soul is meant to be.

If you are ready to get the support and attention that you deserve so that you can at last get the answers and feel good again, my FREE Discovery Session is the best place to start. Schedule yours today!

Everyone has the ability to feel better and thrive in life. I want to help YOU achieve that, because I believe in YOU.
Begin Re:Writing Your Health Story.

With love and gratitude,

Sveta Zaidman

Sveta Zaidman, Founder, mata functional medicine health coaching

Sveta is an HCA Registered Health Coach™. Sveta received her certification from Functional Medicine Health Coaching Academy (FMCA), the only coach training program founded in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM), the global leader in Functional Medicine. FMCA teaches a comprehensive one-year long curriculum, integrating the principles of Functional Medicine and nutrition with positive psychology coaching techniques, mind-body medicine, and the psychology of eating. In addition, Sveta holds a BA in Psychology.

Sveta operates her private virtual functional medicine health coaching practice in Toronto, serving clients across the world, in English, Russian and Hebrew. Sveta strives to connect deeply with her clients so that they feel heard, supported and equipped with the tools and knowledge they need to start making the necessary changes today in order to feel better tomorrow and to achieve lifelong lasting health and vitality.

Coaching Credentials


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